The sar()
function implements a standard spatial econometrics model (SAR) or a spatially lagged dependent
variable model using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (McMC) simulation approach.
data = NULL,
burnin = 5000,
Nsim = 10000,
thinning = 1,
parameters.start = NULL
- formula
A symbolic description of the model to fit. A formula for the covariate part of the model using the syntax of the
function fitting standard linear regression models. Neither the response variable nor the explanatory variables are allowed to contain NA values.- data
containing variables used in the formula object.- W
The N by N spatial weights matrix or neighbourhood matrix where N is the number of spatial units. The formulation of W could be based on geographical distances separating units or based on geographical contiguity. To ensure the maximum value of the spatial autoregressive parameter \(\rho\) less than 1, W is usually row-normalised before implementing the SAR model. As in most cases, spatial weights matrix is very sparse, therefore W here should be converted to a sparse matrix before imported into the
function to save computational burden and reduce computing time. More specifically, W should be a column-oriented numeric sparse matrices of adgCMatrix
class defined in theMatrix
package. The converion between a dense numeric matrix and a sparse numeric matrix is made quite convenient through theMatrix
library.- burnin
The number of McMC samples to discard as the burnin period.
- Nsim
The total number of McMC samples to generate.
- thinning
MCMC thinning factor.
- parameters.start
A list with names "rho", "sigma2e", and "beta" corresponding to initial values for the model parameters \(\rho, \sigma^2_e\) and the regression coefficients respectively.
A list
- cbetas
A matrix with the MCMC samples of the draws for the coefficients.
- Mbetas
A vector of estimated mean values of regression coefficients.
- SDbetas
The standard deviations of estimated regression coefficients.
- Mrho
The estimated mean of the lower-level spatial autoregressive parameter \(\rho\).
- SDrho
The standard deviation of the estimated lower-level spatial autoregressive parameter.
- Msigma2e
The estimated mean of the lower-level variance parameter \(\sigma^{2}_{e} \).
- SDsigma2e
The standard deviation of the estimated lower-level variance parameter \(\sigma^{2}_{e} \).
The deviance information criterion (DIC) of the fitted model.
- pd
The effective number of parameters of the fitted model.
- Log_Likelihood
The log-likelihood of the fitted model.
- R_Squared
A pseudo R square model fit indicator.
- impact_direct
Summaries of the direct impact of a covariate effect on the outcome variable.
- impact_idirect
Summaries of the indirect impact of a covariate effect on the outcome variable.
- impact_total
Summaries of the total impact of a covariate effect on the outcome variable.
Anselin, L. (1988). Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
LeSage, J. P., and R. K. Pace. (2009). Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis
#> obs lnprice lnarea lndcbd dsubway dpark dele popden crimerate
#> 1 190 7.16382 11.58780 9.93534 7.14334 6.78243 6.67827 0.548966 10.7511
#> 2 992 7.45757 9.20029 9.84785 7.78904 6.95662 7.05138 0.548966 10.7511
#> 3 189 5.57430 10.27820 9.94866 6.83023 7.06579 6.81916 0.548966 10.7511
#> 4 993 7.12569 7.97788 9.84388 7.81991 7.00792 7.11267 0.548966 10.7511
#> 5 969 6.81564 5.81928 9.91940 7.64640 6.88254 4.10025 0.548966 10.7511
#> 6 994 7.48522 7.78634 9.84203 7.83398 7.03089 7.13981 0.548966 10.7511
#> year
#> 1 3 1
#> 2 3 0
#> 3 3 1
#> 4 3 0
#> 5 3 0
#> 6 3 0
# extract the land parcel level spatial weights matrix
nb.25 <- spdep::dnearneigh(land,0,2500)
#> Warning: neighbour object has 4 sub-graphs
# to a weights matrix
dist.25 <- spdep::nbdists(nb.25,land)
dist.25 <- lapply(dist.25,function(x) exp(-0.5 * (x / 2500)^2))
mat.25 <- spdep::nb2mat(nb.25,glist=dist.25,style="W")
W <- as(mat.25,"dgCMatrix")
## run the sar() function
res.formula <- lnprice ~ lnarea + lndcbd + dsubway + dpark + dele +
popden + crimerate + as.factor(year)
betas= coef(lm(formula=res.formula,data=landprice))
pars=list(rho = 0.5, sigma2e = 2.0, betas = betas)
# \donttest{
res <- sar(res.formula,data=landprice,W=W,
burnin=500, Nsim=1000, thinning=1,
#> Warning: style is M (missing); style should be set to a valid value
#> Warning: style is M (missing); style should be set to a valid value
#> Warning: neighbour object has 4 sub-graphs
#> Warning: neighbour object has 4 sub-graphs
#> Call:
#> sar(formula = res.formula, data = landprice, W = W, burnin = 500,
#> Nsim = 1000, thinning = 1, parameters.start = pars)
#> Type: sar
#> Coefficients:
#> Mean SD
#> (Intercept) 6.692659271 0.821582708
#> lnarea -0.005703754 0.017245283
#> lndcbd -0.093812794 0.048795925
#> dsubway -0.151066147 0.035977010
#> dpark -0.157082432 0.045501847
#> dele -0.029478755 0.031136321
#> popden 0.021820387 0.010123086
#> crimerate 0.006581084 0.004185754
#> as.factor(year)1 -0.188791418 0.055353624
#> as.factor(year)2 -0.028732593 0.117591116
#> as.factor(year)3 -0.141198327 0.106523962
#> as.factor(year)4 0.568283074 0.116757966
#> as.factor(year)5 0.398618141 0.127220897
#> as.factor(year)6 2.183383251 0.218838610
#> Spatial Coefficients:
#> rho
#> 0.544068
#> Diagnostics
#> Deviance information criterion (DIC): 4704.887
#> Effective number of parameters (pd): 956.0725
#> Log likelihood: -1396.371
#> Pseudo R squared: 0.3487775
#> Impacts:
#> direct indirect total
#> (Intercept) 6.815286826 7.483055987 14.29834281
#> lnarea -0.005808262 -0.006377362 -0.01218562
#> lndcbd -0.095531697 -0.104891996 -0.20042369
#> dsubway -0.153834086 -0.168906916 -0.32274100
#> dpark -0.159960606 -0.175633718 -0.33559432
#> dele -0.030018885 -0.032960168 -0.06297905
#> popden 0.022220195 0.024397354 0.04661755
#> crimerate 0.006701667 0.007358304 0.01405997
#> as.factor(year)1 -0.192250585 -0.211087505 -0.40333809
#> as.factor(year)2 -0.029259052 -0.032125885 -0.06138494
#> as.factor(year)3 -0.143785461 -0.157873715 -0.30165918
#> as.factor(year)4 0.578695551 0.635396766 1.21409232
#> as.factor(year)5 0.405921899 0.445694565 0.85161646
#> as.factor(year)6 2.223388716 2.441238743 4.66462746
#> Quantiles:
#> 5% 25% 50% 75%
#> (Intercept) 5.3931321636 6.102344739 6.667925879 7.261131168
#> lnarea -0.0328579787 -0.017805259 -0.005443984 0.005865107
#> lndcbd -0.1719583291 -0.126473435 -0.094248991 -0.061389837
#> dsubway -0.2086087870 -0.174525097 -0.151688345 -0.127059403
#> dpark -0.2366361542 -0.187072950 -0.157027536 -0.126171278
#> dele -0.0799836946 -0.051391759 -0.029007668 -0.008189104
#> popden 0.0054129196 0.014553396 0.021759805 0.028808175
#> crimerate -0.0004581391 0.003773817 0.006547580 0.009282714
#> as.factor(year)1 -0.2756505015 -0.227269916 -0.190331369 -0.150788147
#> as.factor(year)2 -0.2218306150 -0.106403948 -0.031509779 0.056263472
#> as.factor(year)3 -0.3146393375 -0.212914997 -0.142246504 -0.070137649
#> as.factor(year)4 0.3816845823 0.487045899 0.577141855 0.645571177
#> as.factor(year)5 0.1922468443 0.311307645 0.402879081 0.481189056
#> as.factor(year)6 1.8106568356 2.041326641 2.191568289 2.327773608
#> 95%
#> (Intercept) 8.03383299
#> lnarea 0.02201095
#> lndcbd -0.01651091
#> dsubway -0.09292392
#> dpark -0.08466489
#> dele 0.02294826
#> popden 0.03870791
#> crimerate 0.01327714
#> as.factor(year)1 -0.09626197
#> as.factor(year)2 0.15447486
#> as.factor(year)3 0.04359984
#> as.factor(year)4 0.76317569
#> as.factor(year)5 0.60496796
#> as.factor(year)6 2.55235508
# }