R fundamentals

Introduction to R

Advanced R

R for Data Science (2e)

R Graphics Cookbook, 2nd edition

The tidyverse style guide

R in Production

Data Visualization with ggplot2

Efficient R programming

Best Coding Practices for R

Happy Git and GitHub for the useR

Rcpp for everyone

Rcpp for everyone Chinese version

Unofficial rcpp api documentation

R Packages (2e)

R Markdown Chinese guide

R Markdown Cookbook

R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown

bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

JavaScript for R

Computer-age Calculus with R

GIS fundamentals


Geocomputation with R

Spatial Data Science with R and terra

Geospatial Data Science in R

Basic GIS Spatial Analysis with R

Intro to GIS and Spatial Analysis

Introduction to Spatial Data Programming with R

Elegant and informative maps with tmap

Geographic Data Science with R: Visualizing and Analyzing Environmental Change

The lidR package

Network Analysis

Network Analysis in R

Introduction to Network Analysis Using R

Network Analysis: Integrating Social Network Theory, Method, and Application with R

Probability Statistics

Statistical Inference via Data Science

Introduction to Econometrics with R

Econometrics for Business Analytics

Basic statistics tutorials available on Statology

Doing Meta-Analysis with R: A Hands-On Guide

Tidy Modeling with R

Mixed Models With R

Beyond Multiple Linear Regression

Statistical Computation Notes & PKU

R Companion to Real Econometrics

Computational Statistics with R

Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics with R

Bayesian Statistics

Bayes Rules! An Introduction to Applied Bayesian Modeling

Doing Bayesian Data Analysis in brms and the tidyverse

Introduction to Bayesian Inference

Bayesian Computation with R Scripts

Dynamic Time Series Models using R-INLA: An Applied Perspective

A Business Analyst’s Introduction to Business Analytics (Second Edition)

Machine Learning & Deep Learning

Applied Machine Learning Using mlr3 in R

Deep Learning and Scientific Computing with R torch

Interpretable Machine Learning-A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable

Explanatory Model Analysis

rtemis ML

Machine Learning and Deep Learning with R

Hands-On Machine Learning with R

Spatial Analysis & Spatial Statistics

Spatial Data Science

Spatial Statistics with R

Hands-On Spatial Data Science with R

An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis and Statistics: A Course in R

Spatial sampling with R

Spatial Microsimulation with R

Spatial Statistics for Data Science: Theory and Practice with R

Spatial Modelling for Data Scientists

Bayesian inference with INLA

Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Using R and INLA

Geospatial Health Data: Modeling and Visualization with R-INLA and Shiny

Crime Mapping and Spatial Data Analysis using R

Introduction to urban accessibility

GEOG3915 GeoComputation and Spatial Analysis practicals

Satellite Image Time Series Analysis on Earth Observation Data Cubes

Spatial and spatiotemporal interpolation using Ensemble Machine Learning

Causal Inference

The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality

Causal Inference in R

Causal Inference The Mixtape

Machine Learning-based Causal Inference Tutorial