The goal of tidyrgeoda is to provide an interface for rgeoda to integrate with sf objects and the tidyverse.
You can install the development version of tidyrgeoda from github:
# install.packages("devtools")
build_vignettes = T,
dep = T)
or install tidyrgeoda from r-universe:
repos = c("",
dep = TRUE)
This is a basic example which shows you how to use tidyrgeoda
to create a spatial weight matrix
and calculate the local_moran
## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
## ✔ dplyr 1.1.4 ✔ readr 2.1.5
## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.1
## ✔ ggplot2 3.5.1 ✔ tibble 3.2.1
## ✔ lubridate 1.9.3 ✔ tidyr 1.3.1
## ✔ purrr 1.0.2
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
## ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
## Welcome to tidyrgeoda 0.1.1!
guerry = read_sf(system.file("extdata","Guerry.shp",package = "rgeoda"))
guerry %>%
mutate(lisa = st_local_moran(.,'Crm_prs',
wt = st_weights(.,'contiguity',queen = T))) %>%
select(lisa) -> g_lisa
## Simple feature collection with 85 features and 1 field
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 47680 ymin: 1703258 xmax: 1031401 ymax: 2677441
## Projected CRS: NTF (Paris) / Lambert zone II
## # A tibble: 85 × 2
## lisa geometry
## <fct> <MULTIPOLYGON [m]>
## 1 Not significant (((801150 2092615, 800669 2093190, 800688 2095430, 800780 20…
## 2 High-High (((729326 2521619, 729320 2521230, 729280 2518544, 728751 25…
## 3 High-High (((710830 2137350, 711746 2136617, 712430 2135212, 712070 21…
## 4 Not significant (((882701 1920024, 882408 1920733, 881778 1921200, 881526 19…
## 5 Not significant (((886504 1922890, 885733 1922978, 885479 1923276, 883061 19…
## 6 Low-Low (((747008 1925789, 746630 1925762, 745723 1925138, 744216 19…
## 7 Not significant (((818893 2514767, 818614 2514515, 817900 2514467, 817327 25…
## 8 Low-Low (((509103 1747787, 508820 1747513, 508154 1747093, 505861 17…
## 9 Not significant (((775400 2345600, 775068 2345397, 773587 2345177, 772940 23…
## 10 Low-Low (((626230 1810121, 626269 1810496, 627494 1811321, 627681 18…
## # ℹ 75 more rows
ggplot(data = g_lisa) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = lisa),lwd = .1,color = 'grey') +